MPR does not charge for our services, however, this does not mean that they come at no cost.
Koha, when possible, is appreciated. As the old saying goes: "A little goes a long way!"
Find out how you can help MPR below!
Give A Little
If you wish to make a one-off donation to MPR, click the "Donate Now" button.
Donate Now
Interested in becoming a regular donor?
You can set up a payment via online banking to:
Manawatu Access Radio Charitable Trust
03 1521 0022584 00.
Please email us on info@mpr.nz if there is a particular focus you want for your donation.
Are you considering leaving us a gift in your will?
Your gift will help us continue offering our services to the community.
Contact Fraser Greig to discuss this, or phone: 06 357 9340
We love it when people volunteer their time to make broadcast content for us! It is why we are here and what we do.
If you have an idea for a programme about your community, culture, or a specific interest - get in touch with Hugh Dingwall to discuss your options. Our services are free, though again, koha is appreciated.
Donations of core items are appreciated, in particular consumables such as stationary.
Please get in touch to discuss this.